220 - Mon Trésor by Alain MaillandAmerican Association of Woodturners
Alain Mailland
Chamborigaud, France
Mon Trésor
Rhamnus cathartica (nerprun, buckthorn)
14.5" x 7.8" x 21.5"
This piece ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (950.00) = 950.00
240 - Footed Vessel by Liam FlynnAmerican Association of Woodturners
Liam Flynn
Limerick, Ireland
Footed Vessel
Ebonized oak
6.5" x 8.5" x 8"
About Liam Flynn
Flynn lives and works in County...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K***a for (1,300.00 + 0.00BP) = 1,300.00